I like the analogy that anxiety is a heavy rock. Yelling at it won’t make it go away. But sometimes, if you take the time to feel the texture and ridges of your anxiety, it feels just a little less heavier than it was before.
When I have anxiety, I hate feeling that way. Anxiety comes and goes. For the most part I can’t identify the source of my anxiety or relate it with anything I am doing or experiencing. Other times I can attribute it to a life stressor. When I don’t have anxiety I will take it! When I do have anxiety there is no shaking it off.
Having anxiety is an unreal feeling. Anxiety feels like I have a huge pile of stuff to do but not one single thing gets done. It feels like I am packing for a trip but I keep filling the suitcase and it never fills up. It feels as if I am anticipating (or dreading) each moment. It feels like there are 48 hours to my day and I am fearful that I won’t know how to fill up the time. It feels as if I have lost my keys and I need to check my pockets 10 times to be sure they are there. It is ruminating on a worry every moment of the day. The worry can be from yesterday or 40 years ago. It doesn't matter.
As you may see, much of my anxiety revolves around time. How do I cope with anxiety? I embrace time as a luxury and live day by day, moment by moment.